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Is Self Care on Your Calendar?

Three times in the past week I’ve had someone talk to me about self care. The first was a client who was stressed and not tending to her own needs. I noted that it was critical that she so put herself first. The second was my dental hygienist who has now taken a really strong stand on self care. When she said this, I realized that she was coming from a whole place of lightness. I had, perhaps, noticed this over the past couple of years but didn’t have a context for the change. She said she was totally operating from a place of love. It made perfect sense. Then Saturday morning at a meeting, someone mentioned to me that he realized many of his problems stemmed from a lack of putting himself and his needs first. Three encounters on the same topic in one week. Guess the universe is trying to tell me something.

I know I’ve written about this before, but the coincidences of the last week guided me to bring it back up. I also realized that with the work we put into the Creative Arts Business Summit, that I had neglected myself. First thing I did after I got back was schedule a massage. It was really nice! But honestly, it’s not enough. I need to go back to the concerted effort I’ve had in the past to schedule time for myself to recharge.One of the best analogies I’ve heard about self care is that one you hear the flight attendant tell you during the safety instructions of your flight: put your own oxygen mask on first before you put the oxygen mask on your child. Why? Because you are no good to someone else if you are unconscious because you are trying to tend to someone else. Take care of yourself first and then you are in a better place to take care of those you love.

What are you doing to address your own self-care needs?

Please share your thoughts below.

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