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Quilt Market

I’m finally getting the photos from Quilt Market up. It was a fun trip. I had never been to Salt Lake City before and was so impressed with the city. It was fascinating to be surrounded by mountains, some snowcapped, some not. I taught a lecture the first day titled “Boost Your Business with e-Mail Marketing.” Here’s a photo, though you can barely see me on the stage.


SLC class

Here’s a shot of our booth. We had a great location on the first row. And, I ended up with a corner and took advantage of that to set up a sitting area.

Thanks to Renae Haddadin for sharing the quilt on the left wall, Angela McIntyre for the quilt on the back wall on the left, Sandra Starley for her quilt that’s hidden on the right inside wall and Charlotte Warr Anderson for her quilt on the outside wall.

Part of what makes Market wonderful is the chance to catch up with other quilters. It’s our bi-annual family reunion. Here are a few of the quilters I had a chance to catch up with. First is Brenda Groelz, editor of Quiltmaker Magazine. Brenda and I have been friends since the mid ’90s when Brenda was a successful pattern designer and I had just purchased The Professional Quilter.


I’ve known Maggie Walker with Maggie Walker Design about the same amount of time. We’re both from the mid-Atlantic and usually have our Market and Festival booths near each other.

You can usually find my booth near that of Thangles and here I am with MB Hayes, its creator. Today, MB and her husband and business partner, Patrick Mullen, live in Wisconsin. She used to be my occasional lunch partner/sounding board when she lived near me in Maryland, so I look forward to seeing her each show.

I also had the chance to catch up with Ricky Tims and Alex Anderson and hear about their new show, The Quilt Show. Have you had a chance to watch yet? It’s entertaining and informative.

Lastly, I want to share one of the pictures I took of the street art near the Convention Center. In the foreground is the Cow Jumped Over the Moon. Behind it you’ll see When Pigs Fly.

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