Posts Tagged ‘business’
Wednesday, June 20th, 2018

We’re into the last six months of the year. Just where did the first six months go?!
Our ICAP Members’ Studio peeps regularly look at their numbers. How about you?
Have you look at your numbers for the first six months? What did you discover? Were you on track or were your results not quite what you were expecting?
I talked with one of my private clients recently about this, and she said she needed a cash infusion. I think finding that cash infusion comes down to two items: ideas you didn’t take action on and things you didn’t follow-up on.
Ideas that you didn’t act on
First are those items you didn’t take action on. One of my good friends has something she calls “the $5,000 notebook.” I bet you have a similar notebook full of cash and you don’t even know it.
Do you often make notes of the great ideas you had? You know, the new pattern you wanted to create, the class you think you should develop, the cards to print based on your paintings, the new line of jewelry you want to work on.
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Tags: business, creatives, money, new ideas, old ideas, profit, services, tracking
Posted in Business, Goals, Inspiration, Planning, Success, Systems, Uncategorized | No Comments »
Wednesday, June 13th, 2018

One day recently I was stopped at a railroad bridge and started thinking about what we learned as kids about crossing the train tracks. Stop, look, and listen. Do you remember that?
The next morning I looked at the mountain of work on my desk – as well as those bright, shiny objects across the room – and wondered where I should start. I picked up the task on the top and started to work.
Shortly I became distracted and found myself on the way to the kitchen for another cup of tea.
Back to my desk. What was I working on?
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Tags: business, Mindset, Priorities, productivity, time mangement
Posted in Business, Goals, Organization, Planning, Productivity, Uncategorized | 4 Comments »
Wednesday, June 6th, 2018

The last time I was at our home on the Chesapeake Bay, our neighbor’s grandkids were visiting. They were having a great time skipping stones across the water. Do you remember doing that as a kid or with your kids or grandkids?
The effect, of course, is that you can see ripples in the water. And the more ripples, the better.
Have you ever thought about the ripples you make with your business? I want to share four stories about ripples.
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Tags: business, business growth, Clara Vargas, growth, ripple effect
Posted in Business, Donating, Goals | 1 Comment »
Wednesday, April 25th, 2018

For many of us, moving the needle may have different connotations, especially since so many who read this blog sew. Today I want to talk about moving the needle forward in your business. All of us get stuck. Sometimes it’s just a simple tweak that can get the machine moving again. Sometimes it is something bigger that you need to do to move your business to the next level. Here are nine ways that will help get you moving and bring in cash to your business:
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Tags: business, clarity in business, delegate, goals
Posted in coaching, Coaching, Creative Arts, Goals, ICAP, Planning, Productivity, Strategy, time management | 4 Comments »
Wednesday, April 4th, 2018

Today you are competing for business in a noisy world. Just look at all your options for connecting via social media. Every time you sign onto Instagram or Facebook, you’ve got the choice of stories or your feed. Not to mention the rabbit hole of Pinterest. Plus new social media platforms crop up that add to that noise.
How can you get the word out about your business in all that noise? If you are caught up in that noise, so is your customer. One effective way is with advertising.
Advertising is used to persuade an audience (your potential or current customers/clients) to take action with respect to your product or service. And if that action is purchasing your product, the results are not always immediate.
I have read numerous studies that it can take anywhere from 13-17 times for someone to see your print ad before they purchase. I’ve seen numbers as low as 7 with regard to television advertising. And, the range for online advertising varies as much. Maybe with changing algorithms, it varies even more.
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Tags: advertising, business, online advertising, product, Return on Investment, service, social media
Posted in Advertising, Business, social media, Strategy | No Comments »
Wednesday, March 21st, 2018

If you are in business, your goal should be to make money. Sure you have other goals that revolve around making a difference or sharing your art or building a legacy. I know that I do. Problem is that you can’t make as much of a difference if you aren’t making a profit in your business.
Making a profit is tied to increasing your revenue or decreasing your expenses or both. In truth you can only increase your revenue in three ways.
First, you can raise your prices.
Second, you can sell more to your current customers.
Third, you can find new customers.
This post focuses on six ways that you can increase your revenue. Some you may already be doing. Some you may have thought of and not tried yet. Some may be new to you.
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Tags: business, revenue, Sales
Posted in Advertising, Business, Coaching, Creative Arts, Marketing, Sales | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, February 28th, 2018

We recently welcomed a new group into our Members’ Studio. We have lots of resources all geared to help you build the creative business of your dreams.
I know that too many options can be overwhelming. What’s needed is clarity. It’s so easy to get bogged down with all the options. What if I do this? Or that?
Ever been there?
What do you need clarity on? When I work with some clients, that’s our first step. Clarity is really the foundation of success both in your business and your personal life. And, once you get clear, it doesn’t mean you always stay clear, unfortunately. I think it’s a continual path as you and your business grow.
You need to be clear on the direction you are going. What is your end goal? If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you get there?
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Tags: business, clarity, Gratitude
Posted in Business, Inspiration, mindset | No Comments »
Wednesday, February 14th, 2018

Over in our Creative Passion to Profit Facebook Group we are hosting a challenge to help creatives increase their visibility and grow their businesses. On the first day I asked the members two questions. Why Do You Create? Why Did You Start Your Creative Business?
You’ll find a great deal of variety of answers. Some people were raised with creative parents; some were not. Some expressed their creativity from childhood; some put it on hold and it re-emerged as adults. Some started their businesses with purpose; some started accidentally. You will probably resonate with something someone wrote. You can read the responses or join in here.
Have you ever thought about what your why is? You know, why you do what you do? Why you are in the business you are? Why art or creativity chose you? And why you chose to make it important enough that it is your business?
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Tags: business, Frederick Nietzsche, Ken Robinson, Lou Aronica, Simon Sinek, strengths, why
Posted in Business, Creativity, Inspiration, Links & Resources, mindset | No Comments »
Wednesday, February 7th, 2018

If you are like many people, you decided to get a better handle on your time this year. Some people call this time management. How is that working out for you?
Funny thing is that we all have the same 24 hours in the day. Some of us just do a better job of managing ourselves. We really can’t manage the time. Here are five tips to help you do that.
Know what your time is worth.
Your goal as a business owner is to turn your time into money, so I think you should know what your time is worth. Here’s an easy way to figure it out. What do you want to make this year from your creative arts business?
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Tags: business, H. Jackson Brown, Michael Altshuler, opportunity, time management
Posted in Business, time management | 2 Comments »
Wednesday, August 16th, 2017

Last week I got an email from one of our ICAP members who had reached her 5,000 friend limit on her Facebook Profile and wanted to get my thoughts on how to add all those friends to her Facebook Page. Those of us who’ve been on Facebook a long time remember when Facebook Pages didn’t exist. As a result, we have many, many business connections who are now our “friends”.
One problem you may run into is that when you joined Facebook, you agreed to its Terms of Service. The TOS can make for interesting reading, and you will find this statement: “You will not use your personal timeline primarily for your own commercial gain, and will use a Facebook Page for such purposes.”
That doesn’t mean that you can’t post art business items on your personal profile. It means that you aren’t using it entirely for personal gain. Many of us are our own “brand,” and it would be hard to separate our personal side from our business side.
That said, here are some ways that you can build your Facebook Page fan base with your personal and business friends. If you are interested in learning more ways to do this, the International Association of Creative Arts Professionals (ICAP) is hosting a training in September to do this. You can learn more about ICAP and join here.
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Tags: business, Facebook fans, Facebook likes, Facebook pages
Posted in facebook, social media | No Comments »