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Posts Tagged ‘Trisch Price’

Book Review: Accentuate the Negative

Friday, February 28th, 2014

Accentuate the Negative
Trisch Price
Kansas Star City Quilts; $22.95

Trisch Price returned from QuiltCon 2013 inspired by the negative space she had studied in the quilts on display, some quilts with large expanses of negative space, some without. This led her to categorize negative space design into six techniques to explore: gradation, interruption, negative form, ghosting and piecing. Within each category Trisch offers instruction for three quilts to illustrate the technique. I was fascinated to see how she approached the negative space as a design option and what she chose to do. You will come away thinking about your negative space differently and with design ideas for approaching your next quilt.

Look for the book at your local quilt shop or book retailer. Here’s a link to Amazon if you would like to learn more about the book.