When did you last treat yourself?
October 17th, 2012 by MornaYou may know that I just finished our “When it Absolutely Has to Be Done in 30 Days” coaching program. Everyone in the program either completed or made great strides towards their goal during this time. In the end it wasn’t just about accomplishing the goal, it was also what we learned on the journey about the focus and discipline required to get there. During our last call, one of our participants asked, “When was the last time you treated yourself?” Do you have a good answer?
We have discussed this off and on during our 30-day program. Each week each person shared an intention of what she would accomplish that week. At the end of the week, we all shared our successes. I always asked, “How are you going to celebrate?” We had celebrations ranging from enjoying a new CD to a manicure/pedicure to quilting to a trip to the movies. I think many of the participants looked forward to learning how others were celebrating.
We often spend so much time working toward our goals that we forget to look at what we have accomplished and, even if we do, we don’t take the time to really acknowledge what we’ve done. It’s always onto the next thing on the list. Or looking at the really big “perfect” vision we have and coming up short.
So take some time this week and look at where you are in your business and where you started and acknowledge what you’ve done. Then make plans to celebrate that. And, when someone asks, “When was the last time you treated yourself?” you can answer it.
Now, I’ll ask you, “When was the last time you treated yourself?”
there more there is in life to celebrate.
Please share your thoughts and celebrations below.