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Are you waiting to be qualified?


Do you have some business or personal dreams that are putting off because you think you need to know more before you move forward? Maybe you think you need another art course, or maybe you need that extra marketing course. Or, your website could be better, and you need to know how to do it. Or, your portfolio need to be better to enter that show. Or, you need to up your photography skills so you can take better shots of your work. Or, you don’t know as much as or are as skilled as someone else. Or…

Does that sound like you? I’ve been there. I’m someone who thrives on knowledge, and I’m always searching to learn more. And, it’s a good thing, except that it can put an obstacle in your path. It’s easy to look for the next course to build your knowledge or skill level instead of taking action, albeit imperfect action.

If you are waiting to feel qualified, stop. You are already qualified, and you just need to take the leap. Here are some tips to move you forward.

Don’t wait for everything to be perfect.

Perfection is illusive and nothing will ever will be perfect. It’s a waste of your time to wait for perfection. You don’t have to stop striving for perfection, or more accurately, excellence. There will always be more to learn. The best time to start has already passed. The next best time is now.

Don’t compare yourself with others.

There will always be someone who is further along the path than you. And, remember that you are further along the path than others. You are only where you are and have to start from there. Any action you take at your current level moves you to the next level. Comparing your chapter one to someone else’s chapter 20 only frustrates you and stops you from taking action.

Commit and take a bold action.

You have something to offer that no one else does. Others are waiting to start; don’t follow that path. To steal a phrase from Nike, Just Do It. What’s the worst that could happen? That will likely not be it.

This reminded me of a quote from Oliver Wendell Holmes:

Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.

Your turn!

What are you waiting for? You are definitely qualified to start.



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