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Book Review: 100 Any-Size Star Blocks

100 Any-Size Star Blocks
Linda Causee
Leisure Arts; $17.95

Are you a fan of star blocks? While I know there are a lot of star blocks, I’m not sure I knew there were 100. What is nice about this collection is the included CD that features templates for all those 100 blocks. The blocks can be scaled to the size you want and then printed for either paper piecing or used to create templates. A general quilting directions section is included as are directions for 15 quilts, quilted wall hangings and smaller pieces.

Look for the book at your favorite book retailer. Here’s a link to Amazon if you would like to learn more about the book.

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One Response to “Book Review: 100 Any-Size Star Blocks”

  1. Roxane Lessa said:

    I consider myself an artist first and quilter second. I start with fiber artist and explain what that means-it’s a good conversation starter for folks to learn about what I do. They are usually intrigued and want to find out more.

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