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Archive for the ‘Creativity’ Category

Reclaim Your Creative Energy

Wednesday, August 5th, 2020

I am really a very organized person. I know where to find what I need. I could say, “A place for everything, and everything in its place,” only that is not quite exactly true.

While I am organized and I know where everything is, I can become someone who is consumed by stacks of this and that. Yes, I know what is in the stacks, but all those stacks are robbing energy from me.

When the space is clearer, so is my mind. When my mind is clear, I will work better.

I know this to be true. I also know that once I start working in a clear, clean, clutter-free environment, new opportunities show up for creativity and for business.

Why would I — or you — not want this to happen?

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Selling: It’s About Service

Wednesday, April 15th, 2020

I’ve had several different conversations with clients about selling in the midst of the coronavirus.

Is it ok to keep selling? Do I need to cut my prices because of the struggle people are having?

It really boils down to not feeling comfortable selling and knowing your value.

So I ask you, does selling feel uncomfortable or even scary to you? Particularly now?

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10 Minutes To More Creativity

Wednesday, April 8th, 2020

Only 10 minutes to more creativity? That sounds doable, right? It is, and it’s as simple as sitting quietly and focusing on your breath.

For the past several years I have been recommending meditation to my private clients. It has been significant to most. 

At our Creative Arts Business Summit, I would lead a guided meditation. For some of my clients, this was a powerful exercise.

Today in our times of stress with the coronavirus, meditation can have a profound effect on us.

I also have my own meditation practice that is part of my morning ritual. I was around meditation for a long time before I started to practice. My sister has taught mindfulness meditation for more than 15 years after many more years of a personal practice, and my husband has also had a long-time practice.

Despite their encouragement, I could not think of myself as someone who meditated. After all, I couldn’t possibly sit still that long. The first time I tried, I stopped and looked at the clock and barely two minutes had passed. And, I could not shake the long-held idea that meditation somehow was for hippies or new-age types.

I somehow got over that.

Read, I stopped self-sabotaging myself.  And, I began a meditation practice. I have found that it has a positive impact on my life. I can see this in my everyday activities and in my own creativity.

Especially in today’s uncertain times, I find it grounding.

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Happy Valentine’s to you and your business

Wednesday, February 12th, 2020

Traditionally Valentine’s Day is about relationship love.

We often think in terms of someone that we love — a partner, a child, a parent — when we think of relationships.

I think our most important love relationship is with ourselves.

When you love and take care of yourselves, it shows up in a positive way in both your lives and your work.

So, why don’t you prioritize your relationship with yourself?

I think it comes down to a belief that if you take time for yourself, you are somehow taking something away from the others in your life or even the growth of your business.

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Escape to creativity!

Wednesday, June 12th, 2019

What are you doing on your summer vacation?

Yes, I know that as creative entrepreneurs you don’t really take a summer vacation. You are probably working in/on your business 24/7/365. You can’t possibly take time off.

Or maybe you do fit in some time because your spouse has a two-week vacation. Or maybe you still have a day job with vacation time and you don’t want to lose it all. According to Market Watch, the average American worker takes just over half his/her vacation time.

This summer try something different. Take time off and use it as an opportunity to open your mind, spice up your creativity, and see the world in a new way. Here are some ideas to get you started.

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Moving Past Stuckedness

Wednesday, August 8th, 2018


Have you ever had so much on your plate that you’re stuck with where to start? I know I have. Last week I started thinking about all the ideas I have to grow ICAP. There is the weekly blog/ezine, the monthly coaching and interview calls, and some content that is already planned to write. Then there is book in progress, the podcast in the works, and the work I want to have happen in our Facebook groups. Wait, I forgot about the webinar I am creating. I know I can look at the my projects and figure out which to pick first, so overwhelm is not the problem.

It really is about uncertainty and where to start or how to move forward on the one project. And, if you are like me, having so much to sort through can keep you stuck. You end up studying the issue to death, over-thinking it, over-revising it, and, yes, staying stuck. I think a good term for this in my case might be analysis-paralysis.

Does this sound familiar? What is the solution?

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Discover your why

Wednesday, February 14th, 2018

Over in our Creative Passion to Profit Facebook Group we are hosting a challenge to help creatives increase their visibility and grow their businesses. On the first day I asked the members two questions. Why Do You Create? Why Did You Start Your Creative Business?

You’ll find a great deal of variety of answers. Some people were raised with creative parents; some were not. Some expressed their creativity from childhood; some put it on hold and it re-emerged as adults. Some started their businesses with purpose; some started accidentally. You will probably resonate with something someone wrote. You can read the responses or join in here.

Have you ever thought about what your why is? You know, why you do what you do? Why you are in the business you are? Why art or creativity chose you? And why you chose to make it important enough that it is your business?

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Are you a bit distracted?

Wednesday, August 30th, 2017

Last week when I was clearing my studio space for my niece to work on her quilt to take to college, I seemed to get so distracted. I saw fabrics I thought would work nicely in a future project. I realized I needed to find a place for the notions that had already found a not-so-good spot. And, I found some book reviews I had clipped that seemed to be perfect for selections for our ICAP Book Club.

I had the same problem as many of my clients: the inability to stay focused and get done what needs to be done. It can be because you are distracted by other options, whether that’s the other stuff in the room or another great idea that is beckoning.

Yes, you, too, are infected with Bright Shiny Object Syndrome. As you can see, I have been there. Sometimes in my office I get totally distracted by the projects I want to make or the books/tools that just arrived or the idea I have for a new product or all the blogs that call me to tour them. How do you get past this? Here are a few ideas:

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Are You Taking Inspired Action?

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015


Colourful Light


You know that idea that comes to you from who knows where? What are you doing with it? Do you cast it aside? Do you mull it over? Do you write it down so you don’t lose it? Do you take action because of it?


Some years back I read The Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale, and he wrote about inspired action. He said it was “any action that you take based on an inside nudge.” In a sense, it is acting on your intuition or that little voice inside that is talking to you. We all have those experiences.


So where do you find these inspired ideas? One of my sisters says she gets hers on her daily run. Another finds her ideas when she is wandering around a museum. I often come up with ideas – great and not so great – during my morning walk or when I am sitting on the deck at our home on the Chesapeake Bay or when I walk to the mailbox and back. (It is a very long driveway!) You might find yours soaking in the tub after a long day or hiking in the woods or gardening, in other words, someplace that is not your office or studio. I think Julia Cameron’s artist date can do this for you, too. It takes you outside your normal surroundings.


That is one key, getting away from your normal, i.e., comfortable surroundings.


Another idea is to try some of the same, but from a different perspective. For example, if your ideas often come on a walk in the woods, try a different route. Or change up the time so you walk in the morning when you usually walk in the afternoon. You will open yourself up to looking at things differently, and new ideas will come.


A third tip to encourage inspired ideas is to be more mindful. Take time to notice and appreciate what is right in front of you. For me, a short meditation practice opens me up to being more present and that lets me see more ideas. It’s not surprising that if we pay more attention, we are open to more ideas. You never know, the inspired idea might just comes from a sign on a highway.


No matter where the inspiration comes from, if you are not in the position to take immediate action, you will need to keep a pad or a digital recorder handy. You might also use a notes app on your phone. I find I often need to make a quick note of the idea, in case I am distracted. I can’t count the numbers of great ideas that disappeared.


When I explained this idea to one of my clients, she asked how she could be more open to receiving opportunities for inspired action beyond the three tips? I said that you have to be clear on what your intentions are first, the clearer the better. Then when you get those nudges, pay attention, and look for coincidences.


When the idea comes to you, what do you do with it? Sometimes you just move forward, trusting it is the right the thing to do. Other times it is important to ask if the idea will move your toward your goal or vision or intention. If the answer is yes, then get to work – take inspired action.


As I said, we all have those “inside nudges” prompting us to take action. The problem is we can talk ourselves out of them – too little time, too little money, too little whatever. I call it self-sabotage. I think we need to learn to trust that inner voice a bit more.


When was the last time you took inspired action? Where did it come from? I would love to hear about your thoughts below or on the ICAP Facebook or Google+ pages.


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Please do! Just use it in its entirety and be sure to include the blurb below:

Morna McEver is the founder and CEO of the International Association of Creative Arts Professionals where creative arts entrepreneurs craft business success. Her weekly e-zine offers tips, techniques and inspiration to help you craft business success from your creative arts passion. You can sign up for a FREE subscription at



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Creative Arts Inspiration: Make Art Inevitable

Sunday, May 10th, 2015

“The object isn’t to make art, it’s to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable.” ~Robert Henri

Henri, inevitable art