Gratitude + Gifts + Goodness
November 27th, 2019 by Morna
This is Thanksgiving week in the United States.
It is one of my favorite holidays, and not just because it could be termed our National Day of Eating!
Many of us, myself included, take time to consider what we are grateful for this time of year. As I look around, I am surrounded by so many blessings. I have good health and a family who loves me. I have a dog who makes me laugh every day. I have friendships that I treasure. And I get to explore my creativity. My life is overflowing in goodness.
I am also grateful for the opportunity to work with so many wonderfully creative women and men. I love my clients in our International Association of Creative Arts Professionals Members’ Studio. Watching them and their businesses blossom is rewarding and fills my heart.
I love my FASTer Way to Fat Loss clients. Seeing them grasp a new way of looking at food as fuel and embracing this new lifestyle is exciting because I know what it has done for me. Seeing their wins — losing inches and pounds, fitting into clothes they hadn’t worn in years, being able to get up from the floor when playing with their grandkids, eliminating joint pain — is so gratifying.
I’m honored that I’ve played a small part in the business growth of those of you who have taken classes from me, attended our past Creative Arts Business Summits, worked with me as a private coaching client, read my blog, or commented on my social media posts. You have added to my life immensely.
Because this time of year is so often associated with gifts expressing that gratitude, I wanted to offer you three.
- International Association of Creative Arts Professionals Members’ Studio is open for enrollment. Open public enrollment only happens a couple of times a year, and this is your chance to join us. Here’s a link to join us now. It’s not available through the website, only this link. Membership includes a monthly planning session, a group coaching call, a book club discussion, accountability partner, private group, and more. Join now and take advantage of an extra planning session for 2020. Good through December 9.
- I regularly offer ongoing six-month private coaching and have often been asked if I ever do a single coaching session. Now’s your chance to take advantage of that. If you are stuck moving forward because you don’t know what to do next or even where to start, this is for you. If you need help figuring out how to reach your goals, make more money next year, and create the life and business of your dreams, this is for you. Regularly priced at $247, it’s on special now for $147. Here are the details. Good through December 9.
- If getting in better health and losing weight/inches is your goal for 2020, take advantage of this exclusive Black Friday/Cyber Monday special from the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. For the first time ever, new clients can register for the FASTer Way to Fat Loss 6-week program for just $150. The regular price is $199. My next round starts on Dec. 30, and you get access to our portal as soon as you sign up. You’ll have a head start on the New Year with our science-backed strategies, daily workouts with modifications for every fitness level, weekly meal plans, and the community and accountability you need to see the results you want. Here are the details. Good through December 2.
I needed a third G for my post, and I picked goodness. It can mean lots to different people. To me, it means the goodness I’m sharing with my family this week.
Do you have any traditions around Thanksgiving in your home?
We go around the table and share something we are grateful for about those at the table. I remember years ago, one of my sisters shared that she was grateful that I sewed. I probably took my sewing somewhat for granted, and I was grateful on my part to be reminded that it’s a special skill that not everyone has. Her gratitude really made an impression on me.
This year I’ll be celebrating with my husband and two of my four sisters and their families. I am bringing a couple of desserts. One is a pecan pie and the other is chocolate bark. Sharing the goodness, here’s a link to the recipes.
Pumpkin pie:
Chocolate bark:
It’s your turn!
What are you grateful for this season?

Tags: Blessings, Gifts, Giving Thanks, grateful