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Helping Haitians

The earthquake in Haiti was two weeks ago and the devastation has been hard to watch. Quilters are know to rise to the occasion with help in any situation, largely with making quilts for those afflicted, and I’ve been asked by several people if a quilt donation is underway. This time, though, quilts aren’t the immediate answer and will likely not get to their intended users. What is needed is money that will be used for food and medical supplies. I’ve made a donation through Episcopal Relief and Development. You can find lots of reputable organizations, including the Red Cross, Unicef, and Doctors without Borders, that will help the Haitians begin to recover. One way quilters are getting involved is by making quilts and selling them online to send the proceeds to Haiti. You can go to and search for Haiti quilts and find examples of quilters doing this. Also, one of my friends, Jeanne Marklin, mentioned that a collection of tote bags, like those we get at shows, was being assembled to send for people to carry food and other critical goods. I’ll add details to this post shortly.

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One Response to “Helping Haitians”

  1. Mary Grogan said:

    Another organization that is doing excellent work in helping Haitians is Partners in Health ( They’ve been working in Haiti for over 20 years. Most of their on the ground staff is Haitian. They were very quick to set up emergency operating rooms and get medical care and supplies flowing. You can learn much more on their website. They especially need financial contributions to keep expanding their efforts. Thanks, Morna, for making this blog available to spread the word about the many good organizations doing essential work in Haiti.

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