How Do You Define Success?
August 21st, 2013 by MornaWhat does success look like to you? Webster’s defines it as a favorable or desired outcome or the attainment of wealth, favor or eminence. The bottom line is that success relates to goals. You set the goals and you determine whether or not you are successful. Here are some tips to help with your journey toward success:
- Develop your own personal, specific definition about success. If you don’t know what success means to you, how can you work towards it? In creating your definition, consider that you want it be something within your control, not that of other people. You want to be able to measure it so you can hold yourself accountable on a regular basis. You also want it to mesh with your personal values and principles. Remember, it’s your goal not someone else’s. Take time to listen to your gut about this.
- Take action every day toward your goals. You don’t have to know all the steps needed, i.e., how to get to the finish line. You just need to take the next step. The other steps will show themselves. You have to be ready to step out in faith.
- Eliminate excuses. The coach I work with has a “no excuses” policy. I hear this as I work. I ask myself if I’m making excuses for not getting something done. Do I want the goal or the excuse? I strive to work in an “excuse-free” environment. This has a positive effect on my day and its outcome.
- Look for growth opportunities. I don’t mean just for your business; I mean also personally. I think life-long learning and self-improvement are key. Look for ways you can build your skills, whether that is in knowledge of your specific area or learning how to get out of your own way.
- Be open to the opportunities in front of you. Opportunities exist all around you. Don’t just stick with the status quo.
- Take personal responsibility for everything. I think this is the real key for success. We alone are responsible for creating our own success.
Please share your definition of success below.

Jessica said:
Sometimes it’s hard to define success becuase I think that success if fluid. You can start out thinking that you know what your end goal is but then it can change along the journey, so I think that it’s important to celebrate the small successes along the way, as well as the end goal when they are achieved. From a personal standpoint, even though I know that my business is successful, there is so much more that I want to achieve and sometimes that has meant sacrificing some of my personal life. Looking back, I know that I did what I needed to do to get to where I am, but I’m still striving for my definition of success, which would be to have consistent balance between career & personal life. I also know that while I’m not there yet, that I’m closer than I’ve ever been, so I will celebrate that success for now and keep my eye on my ultimate goals.
Morna said:
Thanks for sharing, Jessica. You’re right that success with our goals change as we change. I’m glad you’re celebrating, something I like to emphasize. It can be so hard to stop and appreciate what you accomplish when you have some much you want to do.