Machine Quilters Showcase
June 17th, 2007 by MornaAll I can say is, WOW! It is exciting to see what is being done to our traditional art form with new technology. It’s also been fascinating to watch the growth in this segment of our industry. And after four days at MQS, if I didn’t already have a day job with The Professional Quilter, I’d be in line for a longarm. I really enjoyed talking with so many of our subscribers at the show, too.
Sue Moats, award-winning longarm quilter and longarm columnist for The Professional Quilter helped out in the booth. I really appreciated her knowledge in this area of our industry. She’s wearing one of her garments, several of which filled our booth walls.
Myrna Ficken loaned me her award-winning quilt Tuesday Afternoon. Here she is with some of the quilt. I said I was looking for an eye-catcher; this definitely fit the bill.
Jasper Rexroad, winner of the Janome Gem, also stopped by the booth. I enjoyed chatting with both Jasper and his wife about their longarm business.
As for the quilts, they were tremendous. Best of Show went to Sharon Schamber for her “Flower of Life.” Here’s a detail of the central portion of the quilt.
Claudia Pfeil took Viewer’s Choice with “Turnabout.”
Renae Haddadin won the Solitaire Award for “Sugar and Spice.” The front was white or was that the back. It was so exquisitely done, you couldn’t tell. Here are both sides.
After four days of show, I relaxed with a ride to the airport and dinner with Tammie Bowser of Mosaic Quilt Studio.
It was great fun to talk shop and end the trip energized.