Spreading Holiday Joy
December 23rd, 2015 by Morna
It’s Christmas week around my house. I have been busy baking breads, decorating, wrapping presents and spreading holiday joy. I am known for two favorites: a cranberry walnut bread and a chocolate chip pumpkin bread. Neither lasts long once they are baked. This last batch is headed for friends and some family members. My husband also has one to share with a woman he has befriended on the streets. One of the ways we spread joy throughout the year is with “homeless helping bags.” I fill gallon plastic zip bags with a bottle of water, a variety of healthy snacks and small bag of toiletries, including toothpaste and a toothbrush. We keep a couple of the bags in our cars and share them with those in need.
What are your holiday plans? I know that Hanukkah ended earlier this month and Kwanzaa celebrations start later this month, so lots of you are celebrating. I am headed off today for lunch with my aunt, cousin, two of my sisters and one of my nieces. We’ve been holding annual lunches since the 1980s when it was just one sister and my aunt, each of us traveling an hour to find a spot in the middle. It will be a reunion of sorts as my cousin has never joined us. We are excited about all we will share. On Christmas Day, I will have the same sisters and niece over for dinner. I have not picked a menu, but I am leaning towards a McEver Christmas Day favorite. We always had spaghetti because it was easy after the busyness of the day.
What would Christmas be without a few gifts? We have a few specials to offer before the end of the year, so stay tuned for more details in the next week.
Whatever your tradition, I hope that you have a peaceful and joyful holiday and that you celebrate in a way that is meaningful to you. We are always tugged by so much, it is nice to stop and remember what it is that brings joy and meaning into our lives.
What is your favorite way to add meaning? I would love to hear about your plans, just leave a comment below or go over to the ICAP Facebook or Google+ pages and leave a comment there.
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Morna McEver is the founder and CEO of the International Association of Creative Arts Professionals where creative arts entrepreneurs craft business success. Her weekly e-zine offers tips, techniques and inspiration to help you craft business success from your creative arts passion. You can sign up for a FREE subscription at http://www.creativeartsprofessional.com.
See the ICAP blog at http://www.creativeartsprofessionals.com/weblog/