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Posts Tagged ‘Lone Jacobsen Minkkinen; American Quilters’ Society’

Book Review: 99 Continuous Line Quilting Designs

Sunday, September 7th, 2014

99 continuous line


99 Continuous Line Quilting Designs
Lone Jacobsen Minkkinen
American Quilters’ Society; $24.95


Danish graphic designer and quilter Lone Jacobsen Minkkinen offers a selection of 99 continuous line designs for hand or machine quilting in this highly original collection. You will find designs in six categories: around the world, transportation, leisure, celebrate, toys for boys and pearls for girls, and zodiac. Examples include elephants from Africa, the Sydney Opera House, a Viking ship, a guitar, Halloween skeletons, and castles. You will also find a selection of words to fit the themes. The designs are versatile and can stand on their own, be used as accents or fillers, or be combined.


You can look for the book at your favorite quilt shop or book retailer. Here’s a link to Amazon if you would like to learn more about the book.