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Posts Tagged ‘Quilt Images’

Book Review – Digital Essentials

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

Digital Essentials








Digital Essentials
Gloria Hansen
Electric Quilt; $29.95

Gloria Hansen is well-known to readers of The Professional Quilter as the author of our extremely popular Technology Forum columns. The expertise we’ve enjoyed for so many years is now available to quilters everywhere. Subtitled “the quilt maker’s must-have guide to images, files, and more,” Digital Essentials is just that – a must-have. Gloria covers everything from the basics of understanding resolution to removing the background from a quilt so you can create a clean show entry and so much more. This book should be your first stop when you are trying to work with any of your quilt images. It will save you much time and frustration. And, because you’ll want to keep the book open for easy reference, consider taking it to the print shop to be spiral bound.

If you’d like to add this book to our library, here’s a link to purchase it through Amazon.

If you missed it, we had a teleclass with Gloria where she discussed many aspects of working with digital files. Here are the details on the audio from the class.