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Posts Tagged ‘Quilters Heritage Celebration’

Quilters Heritage Celebration

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

I got back from Quilters Heritage on Sunday. I always enjoy this show, catching up with my quilting friends from Philadelphia and Harrisburg and meeting subscribers. For the past three years I’ve had a spot in the Lampeter Room. This year when I arrived at check-in, I found my space had been moved to the tennis court/expo building. I’d previously been in the space in years past, so I always thought of it as a prime location. Well, I didn’t realize what a great spot I would get. It was to the right just at the entrance. I put a video on my FaceBook page.

Here are some photos from the show. First is Sue Reno, a quilt artist from Columbia, Penn. Sue loans me a quilt for the booth each year. You can see her quilt Tall Blue Lettuce behind her. She always has what I call an “eye catcher,” and it definitely draws the visitors in.

This was the 22nd year for Quilters Heritage and the show is run by Rita Barber. I saw Rita several times and nabbed her once for a quick photo.

On Saturday I taught my class on learning how to start your quilt business. I had 21 students in the class. It was great fun, and I always learn something from my students. After the class I did my Studio Tour lecture which was part of a luncheon. It’s always wonderful when I’m finished and open the floor for everyone to share their studio organization ideas.

Our new advertising rep, Leslie O’Brien, also spent some time at the show. Here’s a shot of her in the booth.


As I said, my booth was in a great location. One of my neighbors was the artist Pat Buckley Moss. I got to know her and several members of her family as the weekend unfolded. I already owned a small landscape that she did, and I purchased a second landscape at the show. Here we are together.
