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Posts Tagged ‘quilting’

Book Review: Masters Art Quilts, Vol. 2

Sunday, August 28th, 2011

Masters Art Quilts, Vol. 2
Martha Sielman, Curator
Lark Crafts; $24.95

A feast for the eyes, this second edition of Masters: Art Quilts features work by 40 of the leading contemporary international quilters. In curating the collection, Martha Sielman, executive director of Studio Art Quilt Associates, has selected approximately a dozen quilts from each artist, which are shown on ten pages per artist. Martha introduces us to each artist and then lets the work tell the story, with occasional quotes from the artist about his or her work. I loved both seeing work of artists I knew and learning about those I didn’t. If you are a fiber artist or have an interest in this medium, this is a wonderful addition to your library.

Look for the book at your favorite quilt shop or book retailer. Here’s a link to Amazon if you would like to learn more about the book.

Book Review: Beautiful Wildflower Appliqué

Sunday, August 21st, 2011

Book Review: Beautiful Wildflower Applique

Beautiful Wildflower Appliqué
Zena Thorpe
AQS; $26.95

Master quilter Zena Thorpe says we are always impressed with the big, showy blooms that we neglect to see the wildflowers. With that in mind she used all wildflowers as the background in her quilt “Out of the Strong Came Forth Sweetness.” Beautiful Wildflower Appliqué includes appliqué directions and patterns for 32 native wildflowers in that quilt. In addition to the individual flowers, Zena offers complete instructions for a wildflower wallhanging with 10 flowers. A wonderful addition to your appliqué library.

Look for the book at your favorite quilt shop or book retailer. Here’s a link to Amazon if you would like to learn more about the book.

Book Review: Fast, Fusible Flower Quilts

Sunday, August 14th, 2011

Fast, Fusible Flower Quilts
Nancy Mahoney
Martingale & Co., $24.99

Well-known author, teacher, fabric designer and award-winning quilter, Nancy Mahoney, has released her 11th book with Martingale. Inspired by memories of her own gardening and the vast selection of floral fabrics on the market, Nancy has created 11 easy-to-make, full-size block quilts, which can easily be adapted to a size of your choosing. To simplify the appliqué, all but one quilt features fused floral segments, with fusible and quiltmaking instructions. The last includes folded flowers with patchwork blocks. I liked that the samples were both in bolds and 30’s fabrics offering a wider appeal. And, I particularly liked the bolder quilts, including Orange Marmalade, which included a secondary pattern, as well as the clear-toned Precious Peonies, a favorite flower.


Look for the book at your favorite quilt shop or book retailer. Here’s a link to Amazon if you would like to learn more about the book.

Book Review: Quilt National 2011

Sunday, July 17th, 2011

Quilt National 2011

Lark Crafts & The Dairy Barn Arts Center

Lark Crafts; $27.95

Subtitled The Best in Contemporary Quilts, this catalog from Quilt National, which is held every two years, celebrates the best in contemporary quilts from around the world. From more than 1,000 entries, the three jurors were able to winnow the submissions to 85 quilts that comprise the show running May 23-Sept. 5 at The Dairy Barn Arts Center in Athens, Ohio. Each quilt is shown on a full page, and some have detail shots. The photos are accompanied by an artist’s statement about the work.

I love the diversity of style and technique, from those pieces that clearly have a connection to our patchwork roots to those that don’t. I also enjoyed reading the statements of the three jurors, Nelda Warkentin, Eleanor McCain and Pauline Verbeek-Cowart, about how they approached their task.

Look for the book at your favorite quilt retailer. Here’s a link to Amazon if you would like to learn more about the book.

Book Review: Deploy That Fabric

Sunday, July 10th, 2011

Jen Eskridge

Stash Books; $22.95


Who could resist this book title in a week with a patriotic holiday? At some point military uniforms become decommissioned, and quilter and military spouse Jen Eskridge takes the position that we should upcycle them to celebrate service members. Jen starts by showing you how to deconstruct uniforms then offers 23 projects for using your pieces, Projects range from the simple tote to quilts. Jen asks early in the book, “What matches a uniform?” She answers with, “Everything.” Yes, uniforms are a neutral and can be your light or dark. It was interesting to see how they just become the background among pinks and blues. The book also includes a techniques section that might be helpful for those who come from a non-sewing background.


Look for the book at your favorite quilt retailer. Here’s a link to Amazon  if you would like to learn more about the book.


Book Review: 501 Quilting Motifs

Sunday, April 17th, 2011

501 Quilting Motifs
501 Quilting Motifs: Designs for Hand or Machine Quilting
From the Editors of Quiltmaker Magazine
Martingale & Co.; $24.99

“Quilt as desired” can often leave you wondering exactly what quilting design works with your quilt top. What style is it? Do you want to enhance or contrast the lines of the quilt top? How much quilting do you need? Those questions and more are answered in this collection of quilting designs from 26 years of Quiltmaker. The motifs are shown as a single design, put into corner triangles, border strips with corners and squares in various sizes.The book has a hard cover with a spiral binding, which makes using the patterns easier. In addition to an index of designs alphabetically, a size index is included that shows designs in various size squares, rectangles, triangles and borders. If you are looking for inspiration for a design for your next quilt, this is a nice collection.

Look for the book at your favorite book retailer. Here’s a  link to Amazon if you would like to learn more about the book.

Book Review: World War II Quilts

Sunday, March 20th, 2011

World War II Quilts
World War II Quilts
Sue Reich
Schiffer Publishing; $39.99

World War II era quilts have not been extensively studied, always being considered with quilts from the 1920s-1950s. Sue Reich became interested in this era after her family attended the dedication of the World War II memorial in Washington, D.C. This book resulted from five years of researching quilts and newspaper accounts of quiltmaking from World War II years. Sue looked at five styles of quilts: red, white and blue patriotic quilts; quilts with military symbols and insignia; quilts made for donation to the Red Cross and other organizations; quilts made to raise money for the war effort; and quilts that are like other quilts made between 1920 and 1950. I found this to be a fascinating look at quilts from 1940-45, ones I had not previously considered. I was charmed by the “Sweetheart Pillow Quilts” made from silk sweetheart pillow covers that were printed with poems and military base notations. Fun, too, were the variety of “Victory Garden Quilts.” Since I recently looked at the Modern Quilt trend today, I was amused by the notation in one of the articles Sue found: “Quilting, 1943 style, however, isn’t exactly what it was for grandma.” This book adds immensely to the scholarship of quilt history.

Look for the book at your favorite quilt retailer. Here’s a link to Amazon if you would like to learn more about the book.

Meet Mary Kerr, Appraiser, Teacher, Author

Wednesday, November 17th, 2010

The current issue of The Professional Quilter features a profile of IAPQ member Mary Kerr. Mary has fashioned a career in our industry from her love of vintage textiles. Here’s an excerpt of the article by Eileen Doughty.

Why do vintage textiles (textiles from a previous era) hold such a strong appeal to you?

I have always loved vintage fabrics – their stories, patterns, colors. What I enjoy most about using them is the challenge of working with the materials on hand – what can I create to honor this piece?

I grew up with quilts but did not start making them myself until 1986, when my daughter was born. I spent a lot of time with my grandmothers, asking questions and making every mistake in the book. In 1997, I started teaching; my first class was a pieced shirt!

You use the term “compilation quilt” to describe your work.

A “compilation quilt” is anything that has been created using fabrics, blocks or textiles from different time periods. I marry several eras of materials and love seeing the mix of styles and color that span several generations.

How did you grow your business?

My business focus evolved along with my family circumstances. I have been an active military wife and a stay-at-home mom. When my children were small, I taught classes locally and provided restoration and repair services. As my children grew up and needed less care (more worry, but less hand-holding), I expanded into the regional teaching and lecture market and studied to become a certified American Quilt Society appraiser. My serious traveling did not start until my husband was no longer on active duty (read: gone most of the time) and my children were leaving home.

Although I did not have a specific mentor, I did (and still do) surround myself with strong, active women. We can learn a tremendous amount from each other and find a constant source of support. Today, we call this networking.

How have you come to be seen as a professional in a field that the general public might view more as a hobby?

If I want to be viewed as a professional (in both the quilt and business world) then I have a responsibility to behave in a professional manner, approach my dealings as a professional and learn what is expected in order to be taken seriously in either world. I have found that people respond to me in the manner that I present myself. If I do not take myself seriously as a businesswoman, how can I expect the rest of the world to do so?

The International Association of Professional Quilters offers resources and networking opportunities for you to create a success from your quilting business. Learn about all the benefits of IAPQ membership and join here.

Book Review: Simply Dynamic Sampler Quilts

Sunday, August 29th, 2010

Simply Dynamic Sampler Quilts

Simply Dynamic Sampler Quilts
By Marianne Hatton
American Quilter’s Society; $26.95

Those of us who have been quilting a long time usually started by making several quilt blocks to learn a variety of techniques and then moved onto a sampler quilt. Samplers had a standard look: blocks set straight with sashing and cornerstones. Marianne Hatton introduces what she calls the “next generation” sampler without the sashing. One of the keys to Marianne’s method is her GridMap® technique where you create a map to follow to ensure your success. Includes instructions for basics of quiltmaking, including straight, curved and set-in seams, appliqué, borders and quilting. If you work with newer quilters or like teaching a sampler method, you’ll pick up some tips for your toolbox.

Here’s a link, if you’d like to add it to your library.

Book Review: ‘Tis the Season

Sunday, August 22nd, 2010

'Tis the Season

‘Tis the Season, Quilts and Other Comforts
By Jeanne Large and Shelley Wicks
Martingale & Co.; $24.99

Christmas is just around the corner and it’s never to early to get a start on holiday projects. Jeanne Large and Shelley Wicks, owners of the Quilt Patch in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, enjoy cold and snow for five months a year, and that weather inspires them to make and use quilts. This book features 10 projects for winter or holiday use along with additional instructions for incorporating wool and embroidery in your project. As shop owners, they know lots of tips for success and these are sprinkled throughout the book. Their designs are whimsical and simple, and I found several I wanted to make right away.

Here’s a link, if you’d like to add it to your library: