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Posts Tagged ‘reflect’

Who Packs Your Parachute?

Wednesday, February 13th, 2019

Do you know the story of Captain Charlie Plumb?

A U.S. Naval Academy grad, Charlie was a jet pilot in Vietnam and completed 74 successful combat missions over North Vietnam. On his next mission, just days before the end of his tour, his plane was shot down over Hanoi. He parachuted into enemy hands and spent the next 2,103 days as a Prisoner of War.

Some years later by chance, Charlie met the man who had packed his parachute. At first speechless at the meeting, Charlie became full of gratitude and explained that he had said many prayers of thanks and didn’t expect to ever be able to express his gratitude in person. Charlie asked the parachute packer if he kept track of all the parachutes he packed. The man responded, “No, it’s enough gratification for me to just know I served.”

Today Charlie travels around the country lecturing and asking, “Who packs your parachute?”

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How Are Your Survival Skills?

Wednesday, June 25th, 2014

small__5773915337Earlier this week I was talking with a long-time friend about some changes we had each made in our lives, both personally and professionally. During the conversation I noted that I was giving up some of my survival skills. You know, the ones that have been in place forever and that can operate on auto-pilot, whether you need them or not.

You might wonder what I mean by “survival skills.” I am referring to a way of being that has served us in the past. One example for me would be perfectionism. I am sure you have several, too.

Why do we hang onto these? One reason is our ego. We do not want anything to interfere with how we perceive ourselves, or how we think others perceive us. We want to protect our ego. Problem is that while these “skills” worked for us in the past, we don’t consider whether they still serve us today. And, in many cases, they do not.

As entrepreneurs, we don’t generally have the freedom to have someone else give us feedback. When you have someone helping you, whether that is a mentor, coach, supervisor, you can get a different perspective, a view to see how you are functioning – or not.  What happens as entrepreneurs is that we can get caught up in the ego-driven world and can get stuck. And if we do not take the time to look at those “survival skills,” we can stay stuck and our businesses do not grow.

We all need that mirror that lets us to see what survival skills we need to give up. That mirror can be hard to find, so try to spend time reflecting on what could be holding you back. Take time to journal. If you have a good friend or mentor, ask her with an open mind on what her feedback will be.

Lastly ask yourself, “What is the payoff?” If I am having a hard time letting something go, I need to figure out what is good about hanging onto it. This really lets me have clarity about the issue.

When I started reflecting on some of my survival skills that I am letting go and the resistance I had around a few, I was reminded of the quote from  author Anais Nin, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

My question to you is, What “survival skills” are you holding onto?

photo credit: mfhiatt via photopin cc

Join Me for Some PT?

Wednesday, November 13th, 2013

PT? Physical therapy?, you ask. No, for me PT this time means Pause Time, as one of my friends calls it. I have been feeling the rush from the beginning in Houston, following up with contacts that I made, and getting caught up on what was happening in my office in my absence. I know much of it was moving forward on my “to do” list, but was I making any real forward progress? Was I working hard and not remembering what I was trying to do?

In some cases when you are busy and just pushing through the day, you can find you’re never really getting anywhere. You really need to take time to know where you are and where you are going to make real progress.

In addition to how I feel with all the post-trade-show work, I can see this with the distractions from social media. Who among us does not get lost in Pinterest or Instagram and then ask what progress is really being made?

Part of the problem is that we are keeping our minds so active getting our work done or moving to the next task, that we are not taking truly inspired action. That is because we are not taking the time to reflect on where we are and where we want to go.

Enter Pause Time, a time for stillness and reflection. Take some time to be still, whether that is in the garden (if it is still warm where you are) or in a quiet room overlooking the garden. Then in that space of quiet, take to time to just be and then reflect on where you are and where you are going. Do this in a space that is not your office. (Choose a place without distractions.)

Join me in Pause Time. Find inspired action.

Here is a quote I like that reminds me that the stillness and reflection providing answers, or inspired actions.

“Whenever there is stillness there is the still small voice, God’s speaking from the whirlwind, nature’s old song, and dance…”
Annie Dillard

Please share your thoughts on PT below this blog.