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Posts Tagged ‘resource’

COVID-19 got you down: 7 actions you can take now

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

Last week I wrote about “Business as Unusual.”

We are in uncharted waters. More of us are now under self-quarantine or shelter-in-place rules. Those of you who aren’t, you likely will be at some point. This is serious times.

Artists tend to look for ways they can help. As a quilter, I’ve seen the masses of textile folks make masks for hospitals and healthcare workers. You can find numerous resources online, particularly on YouTube. One resource I’ve found a good place to start is the page put together by artist, photographer, and writer Gloria Hansen. In addition to Covid information, she has links to sewing masks.

A second resource is specifically geared to teaching artists. It came from a webinar put on by the Teaching Artists Guild. Here’s a link.

Yesterday I held a coaching call with my Members’ Studio tribe to talk about the Coronavirus and how it was impacting our businesses and what we could do about it. Here are some of the tips based on the call.

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Book Review: The Best of Sew Simple Magazine – Over 50 Quick Projects

Friday, December 4th, 2009

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The Best of Sew Simple Magazine: Over 50 Quick Projects
Leisure Arts; $18.95

I don’t know about you, but I often pick up Sew Simple on the newsstand. It either has a project I want to try or something that I think would be good for my nieces who are relatively new to sewing and quilting. This book includes projects ranging from totes to quilts to home dec with a few fun things included. I think the fabric drink umbrellas will be perfect for next summer’s barbeque, the funky pillowcase will be great for several on my holiday gift list, and the java jacket is bound to find its way into a stocking or two. If you’re looking for some quick and fun projects, this is a good source. And, a bonus for those new to sewing is the supplies and techniques section.

Here’s a link if you’d like to add it to your library.