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Posts Tagged ‘Wellness’

Building a Healthy You and a Healthy Business

Wednesday, October 10th, 2018

Do you give much thought to how your general health affects your business? You may not think they are connected, but they are.

Truthfully, your own personal wellness should be a priority. Without a well you, your business suffers. In the extreme, you become run down, exhausted, and burned out — and so does your business. In the short run, you can lack focus and just aren’t as productive as you need to be.

In my own life I’ve seen this. I used to prioritize nutrition and exercise and sleep. At one point, I started down a slippery slope. I wasn’t exercising like I should. I used to have a personal trainer who came to my house, and when her schedule changed, I started to slack off. I used to go to yoga. When my personal schedule changed, I didn’t fit it in. Sure I was still walking every day with my friends, but that wasn’t enough. As I would learn, I was actually overexercising or doing the wrong kind of exercising.

On the nutrition front, I thought I was eating healthfully. And, while I probably was for the most part, I wasn’t eating enough. I’m sure you know the mindset. You must cut your calories to lose weight. And, of course, you have to give up everything that you love to eat!

And, this showed up in my business, particularly around focus and energy.

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IAPQ Member Bonus Call

Monday, May 17th, 2010

JJ VirginJoin us on Thursday, May 27 at 3 pm Eastern for a IAPQ member bonus call when Morna McEver Golletz interviews JJ Virgin, celebrity nutritionist and wellness expert. JJ will speak on Five Simple Steps to Lose Fat and Build Profits.

JJ’s simple steps have helped thousands of people improve their lives and businesses as they gain more clarity, reclaim energy and lose fat at the same time. And the way you look and feel definitely affects your business’ bottom line. I’ve used her programs with success and found particularly that I was able to enjoy and sustain a great energy level during Quilt Market and Quilt Festival last fall.

A self-described science geek, JJ holds a PhD in Holistic Nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health, a degree in Exercise Science from UCLA and graduate coursework in 6 different graduate and doctoral programs including Biomechanics from California State University Northridge, Sports Medicine from University of Miami, doctoral level courses in Exercise Physiology, Nutrition and Aging from USC, and Nutrition studies from University of Bridgeport. She is currently pursuing a Masters degree in Nutrition and Metabolic Medicine from the University of South Florida Medical School. To learn more about JJ and her programs, click here.

This bonus call is available to IAPQ members only. It will not be available as a download.

This is just one of the benefits that IAPQ members receive. Visit your member page for call-in details.